The Best Sleep Positions for Pregnancy
Congratulations! Pregnancy is an exciting time, and you have a lot to look forward to. Between preparation for a new baby and the changes your body is undergoing, some sleepless nights are inevitable. However, it’s best to minimize those now, before midnight feedings become part of your standard routine.
Here are Serta’s top tips on getting a good night’s sleep while you’re expecting. As always, talk to your doctor about specific health concerns or questions related to your pregnancy.
1. Sleep on your side.
Different stages of pregnancy allow for different sleeping positions. After three to five months, depending on how your body changes, it’s recommended that you sleep on your side. Even if you’re a natural stomach sleeper, that position won’t be comfortable any longer!
During the second half of your pregnancy, many doctors recommend that you avoid sleeping on your back, too. Back sleeping can put pressure on the vena cava and affect your circulation.
2. Hug a pillow.
Throughout your pregnancy, but especially in the second and third trimester, use pillows liberally! When you sleep on your side, place a pillow (or two) between your knees to get your hips level and release pressure on your joints. A pillow behind your back will give you additional support and gently remind you to sleep on your side. Try out different types of pillows, like memory foam or down alternatives, to find what’s most comfortable. Pregnancy pillows or full body pillows are also popular, as you can hug them with your arms and legs at the same time.
3. Prop yourself up.
Try resting in a more upright position. Our adjustable foundations are great for getting your head above your knees, which will ease pressure on your back and can help relieve heartburn.
At the end of your pregnancy, you might have trouble getting comfortable no matter what position you try. One option is to change your sleep habits a bit and opt for shorter, more frequent stretches of rest. Try sleeping in a big, soft chair or recliner for a few hours at a time.
4. Sleep on the side of the bed closest to the bathroom.
At a certain point in your pregnancy, you’ll find that you need to use the bathroom quite often. Sleep on the side of the bed that requires the least complicated path to the bathroom door, and make it easy to get there. Use a dim night-light so your eyes don’t have to adjust to bright bathroom bulbs.
5. Take naps.
When sleep proves elusive at night, take naps when you can during the day. Before bed, read, journal, or make a to-do list to calm your mind and prepare yourself for a good night’s sleep.
6. Plan ways to maximize your sleep postpartum.
Once your baby arrives, you’ll still need a good sleep strategy. Plan to sleep when your baby sleeps, keep your baby’s bed near yours at night to make midnight feedings easier, and allow your partner to feed the baby with a bottle while you sleep. For a few months postpartum, especially if you’ve undergone a C-section, you’ll probably still need to sleep on your side or back. Keep those extra pillows around for a while!
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